Notice Board
The 2025nAnnual Parish Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 30 April 2025 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
All residents warmly welcome. Come along and hear what the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Working Group have been doing this past year. We look forward to seeing you and listening to your questions.
An agenda and further details will be published in April. Book it down on your calendar so you don't forget!
Quotations sought for grasscutting/grounds maintenance around village, principally the cemetery, recreation ground and area around crossroads. Includes emptying litter bins, sweeping bus shelter & telephone kiosk etc.
See attached for details
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority seeks residents' views on the future of bus services. Closing date 20 November 2024
Prioritising maintenance activities to better reflect the use of the highway network by walkers, cyclists
and other non-motorised traffic. Cambs County Council seeks your views.
Please do examine and respond, especially if you want to see improvements for getting out and about in the village, between villages, further afield!
click here
The Annual Meeting of the Parish has been rescheduled to Wednesday 15 May 2024
Further details to follow, put the date in your diary. All residents welcome to come along and find out more about what the village organisations and Parish Council has been doing 2023-24.
Play Project – Phase 2
Works commencing for 1 week from 2 April 2024.
Area closed to public
see attached
It’s very easy to catch measles if you’re in close contact with someone who has it. Nine out of ten unvaccinated children can catch measles if someone in their class has it.
The MMR vaccine is the safest and most effective way to protect against measles. If you or your family haven’t had both doses, it’s never too late to catch up. It’s free on the NHS, whatever your age.
Find out more about measles, including symptoms and how you can get vaccinated at
Measles isn’t just a childhood disease; it
can make adults seriously unwell too.
Wicksteed are on site at the recreation ground this week replacing fence and gates, and surfacing area for train. Final safety report expected soon so that it can be opened before Christmas, with an official opening event planned in a few weeks. Wicksteed and the Parish Council wish to take this opportunity to thank our residents for their patience in this matter and we apologise for the disappointment the delay in re-opening may have caused our young people.
With our good wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year
Witcham Parish Council
The new play park is proceeding well and you will have noticed that the contractors installing the new play park equipment have removed their fencing. Unfortunately, this was a little hasty as there are some snagging issues that need resolving with some of the equipment and a clear safety report signed off BEFORE the equipment is handed over to the Parish Council and play park can be used.
The gates have therefore been locked shut to prevent it being used. Hopefully, the issues will be resolved quickly and the parish council plan to hold an opening event as soon as is possible.
Many thanks for your patience and please do keep children off of the equipment until the park is opened.
Further updates will follow at play site and village noticeboard
Volunteers for Speedwatch sessions and Co-ordinator urgently required
Contact Parish Clerk or Councillor
The village survey for residents to complete for feeding into the Witcham Neighbourhood Plan is nearly ready. It will be dropping on your doormat very soon.
Please complete hardcopy or an on-line version will also be available. Further details will appear on this website and on the Noticeboard at the village crossroads.
New Play Equipment planned for installation October 2023 at the Recreation Ground (existing enclosed area).
Final date to be confirmed. Updates will also appear on noticeboards at village crossroads
Any queries please contact the Clerk or a Councillor
Wednesday 26 April 2023
at 7.30 pm
Come and support your village
Find out what is happening in Witcham
This is a public meeting for residents to bring their thoughts and concerns on village matters to the Parish Council and hear about the work of the Parish, District and County Councils over the last year.
There will be an update on replacement of children's play equipment at the play area and new fitness equipment.
Representatives from the local First Responders Volunteer Group, our village clubs and organisations, Speedwatch, Neighbourhood Plan Group, and What's On in Witcham have also been invited to give their annual report.
Do join us
2022/23 Calendar of Meeting Dates
The Council normally meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, except August and December. Residents welcome, please contact Clerk for details prior to the meeting
It’s time to think about future DEVELOPMENT for Witcham
Full details of monthly payments and receipts are published each month at the foot of the Minutes for that month. View under tab Parish Council, click Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Annual Accounts and Audit are published under the Parish Council tab, click Reports and Audit
Queen's Platinum Jubilee year, including the period 2 - 5 June 2022
For details -
Sunday 5 June 2022, 2pm until 5pm Celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at St Martin's Church Teas and refreshments and lots of activities See noticeboard and village crossroads
RECYCLING - A-Z .... Guidance from East Cambs District Council
Support Local Initiatives - Climate Change
Do you or someone you know need extra support during a power cut?
Since 2010 the frequency of power cuts has been reduced by 42% but it is a still worry for some, especially older people, people with chronic medical conditions, young children. A ‘Priority Services Register’ has been established call 0800 169 9970 or go to
FOR POWER CUTS CALL 0800 3163 105